Showing posts with label Quotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quotes. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Lake and Mountain View

"Success is like climbing a mountain, 

you have to work as a team, 

face obstacles and bad weather, 

but no matter what, 

we always reach the top."

Martin Paquette

"The higher the mountain, 

the deeper the valley"

Alsatian proverb

"Between the shores of the oceans 

and the summit of the highest mountain

is a secret road that you must travel

before you become one with the sons 

of the Earth."

Khalil Gibran

"When you have walked for two hours 

on a mountain, you are smarter."

Coline Serreau

The will allows to climb on the summits;

 without will, one remains at the foot 

of the mountain."

Chinese Proverb

"Culture is the source of all creativity.

That of geography and the history of

mountaineering makes us look at the

Alpine arc as an evidence, a beauty, 

a line to follow. A line, not the line! 

Like a line in a face."

Patrick BĂ©rhault

  • "Every lake belongs to the quietness

  • desired by the swans."

  • Munia Khan

  • "The still waters of a lake reflect

  • the beauty around it.

  • When the mind is still,

  • the beauty of the Self is seen

  • reflected in it."

  • B.K.S Iyengar

  • "Find a calm lake and wait for

  • the twilight in silence!

  • There, Existence will visit you with

  • all its magnificence!

  • The Existence of the Existence can best

  • be felt in the presence of dimness

  • and in the absence of crowds and noises!"

  • – Mehmet Murat ildan

NjA Art & Photography