Sunday, October 24, 2021

Zeal and Enthusiasm


“If you have zest and enthusiasm 
you attract zest and enthusiasm. 
Life does give back in kind.”

- Norman Vincent Peale -


“The enthusiastic person will find ways around 
any setbacks, they may fall down, 
but they are quick to stand up again.”

- Catherine Pulsifer -


“It’s faith in something and enthusiasm 
for something that makes life worth living.”

- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. -


“Cash can buy, but it takes enthusiasm to sell.”

- Dale Carnegie -


“Knowledge is power and enthusiasm 
pulls the switch.”

- Steve Droke -


“You can do anything if you have enthusiasm. 
Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes 
your hopes rise to the stars.”

- Henry Ford -

“Your enthusiasm will be infectious, 
stimulating and attractive to others. 
They will love you for it. 
They will go for you and with you.”

- Peale -

NjA Art & Photography

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