Wednesday, December 02, 2020

Man and Woman’s Roles in Marriage


There is much confusion regarding the roles of a husband and a wife plus the roles of a Father and a mother in the family. The husband's responsibility is to focus on his relationship with his wife on how he nurtures their relationship as husband and wife likewise with the wife. To complete each other that the man is not complete without the woman, there is a danger when the husband and wife are apart. Man will seek something else to fill that emptiness if it happens too often it could be work, woman, wine; whatever happens to come along at that time. 

            The woman was made for the man too, and this was to be his crowning glory, 1 Corinthians 11:7. Matthew Henry says, “Man was dust refined, but the woman was dust double refined” the wife should not compete with or criticize her husband. She is to make her husband proud of her and to make that the number one thing in her life. Her submission and spirituality may win a lost husband. The husband’s love and leadership may win a lost wife and children. Also, the role of the father and mother should be differentiated that a father and mother to take care of the needs of their children and be a good provider for their kids including their financial needs and education and social development as persons to be a good example in the community.

      According to Dr. Joseph Tan about the unity of understanding of the Husband and wife’s responsibilities:


1.     He is to love the wife – love must have willingness by the individual involved to show it. Love does not generalize but discerns, love does not confuse but communicates and clarifies. The husband put the highest interest of his wife and not his own and he provides that place of security and love for the wife, a friend, and a lover all rolled out in one.


2.     He is to look after the wife - that means to provide her material needs because women in general want a secure life, they are worried about their daily needs for the children’s foods, education, and clothing that are well provided. Then physically that the wife will look beautiful for the husband to maintain his beauty by giving her needs and not be a worrier that destroys the beauty of a woman when in stress. 


3.     He is to lead the wife - the question is “who takes the lead spiritually in the home? The husband is the one who calls for prayer, reads the scripture, and teaches the truths about God for the children to grow in the knowledge of the Lord and his grace, as He is the priest in the family to fulfill the spiritual responsibility.


The wife’s role to fulfill her responsibilities to her husband:


1.     She is to be submissive and in subjection to the husband - Wives must keep in mind that the role they are to play in life was not decided by their choice but it is from the word of God in 1 Peter 3:1, Ephesians 5:22,24. Submission in no way suggests that God thinks any less of the wife. It is different in function not of value. He is not superior or inferior. He made us different in roles to fulfill; he made man a leader and a woman a follower. God brings them together into a union to support, to help, to strengthen, to complement, to supplement one another, and not to fight.


2.     She is to possess spirituality - 1 Peter 3:1-6, show how the Christian wife must be genuine in her spiritual life. To be the kind of woman God wants her to be, she manifests a true concern for her husband’s salvation and spiritual welfare by being modest and have an inward beauty.


3.     She is to stay attractive - it may sound immature or superficial according to Dr. Tan but the man looks at the outer beauty of a woman that a man’s need for physical attractiveness in a woman is profound. So ladies stay beautiful for your husbands, attitudes may change but it is hard to become beautiful outside. A wife's attractiveness is a vital ingredient to the success of her marriage and any wife who ignores this notion, whatever the reasons, risks disaster according to Dr. Tan.


Contributor/Article by: Armando D. Fermin 
Edited by: NjA 
NjA Art & Photography

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