Wednesday, August 13, 2008

a RoOm for I M P R OV E M E N T...

I believe that every one has his own room for improvement. I do remember before when I was still on my elementary days I was so shy then. Even though I was very exposed to school activities and indeed excels in academic, but still there's that lacking self-confidence in me. Why? Because I was afraid that if I've done something, I would not be able to perform it right. And it would be a great shame not only to me but to my mom as well.

Until I reached high school I started coming out my shell. Joining school activities and trying to be one of the excellent student in the classroom. Then I learned that there's nothing wrong to get mistakes sometimes, because everybody has his own strengths and weaknesses.

My self-confidence is improving as time goes by when I grow up to maturity level of age and thinking. I learned to appreciate more great or small things in this world. I've learned that instead of focusing on your weaknesses, much better to focus more on your strengths.

NjA Art & Photography

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